Saturday, April 25, 2009

From an Amazing Birthmother

"Before I came out to Utah, I felt like there was nothing I could do but abortion. I remember opening up the phone book to the wrong page, and the Heart to Heart logo was sitting right there. I never considered adoption before, but as soon as I called and heard the voice on the other end - the love and sincerity in Luci's voice - I knew this was what I wanted.

Once I was in Utah, I thought maybe I was wrong, that maybe I should keep the baby. But when I saw how loving adoptive parents could be, I was nothing more than to palce my child. Everyone was always there and I never felt alone or confused.

Heart to Heart was a blessing to me."

---Jasmine from Georgia---
(Delivered 4-13-09
Case Manager: Patti
Counselor: Julie
Adoptive Family Stacey and Erik)

Tuesday, April 7, 2009

5 tips for Post Partum Care...

The time after delivering a baby is stressful, particularly if you've placed for adoption. There are many physical and emotional are a few suggestions to help you through this time:

Slow down a little and we live in a fast paced world...give yourself permission to take your time now and then.
Take a little extra time to evaluate what you really need and want to do.
Nap if possible, and get a good night's rest!

A bubble bath instead of a speed shower, a short read, or quick walk with a friend could really rejuvenate you.
Watch for Post Partum Depression. There is a difference between 'baby blues' (which usually shows up between the 2nd and 5th day post partum) and PPD (Post Partum Depression - which can show up 4-8 weeks post partum - but sometimes later - and can persist for over a year)

Symptoms cover a wide range, including irritability, frequent crying, feelings of helplessness and hopelessness, lack of energy and motivation, disturbances of appetite and sleep, and feelings of being unable to cope with life's demands. Anxiety often shows up through self-blame and guilt. Contact your health care provider if you notice any or all of these symptoms.

Finally....GET MOVING! You won't be able to handle your whole Pilates routine at first, but gentle exercise, such as walking, and light weights, biking, swimming (with Dr. ok) can boost your heart rate - and your mood!