Wednesday, July 8, 2009

Adoption Q & A

What is adoption?
Adoption is the legal process by which parental rights and responsibilities are transferred from one parent or set of parent(s) to another, ensuring that a child has the benefits of a permanent, stable, and loving adoptive family.

Is adoption the same as giving away my baby?
No! Adoption provides you with the opportunity to make a plan for your child's future. It is the most loving, selfless choice you make in order to give your baby all the security and benefits of a permanent family.

How can I be certain that my child’s adoptive parents will take good care of her?
Parents who pursue infant adoption are required to meet our agency's requirements, including a homestudy, to guarantee that they are emotionally and financially ready to parent. Prospective adoptive parents have to meet all criteria set by their home state as well as the agency in order to adopt. Also, if you choose an semi-open or open adoption with contact between birthparents and the adoptive family, then you will be able to receive updates, pictures, and letters from the adoptive parents as your son or daughter grows up.

Will my child know who I am?
That’s up to you. You can choose how much contact, if any, you would like to have with your child and his or her adoptive parents.

Will my child grow up resenting me if I place him for adoption?
Most adopted children grow up feeling a great deal of respect and love for their birthparents. As they get older, most come to understand that adoption is not an easy decision for any birthmother, and they express gratitude for the loving sacrifice made by their birthparents. Adoptive parents share this gratitude and respect for birthparents, and often tell their children, from a very young age, about the tremendous love their birthparents had for them.

Who will help me if I choose adoption for my baby?
Birthmothers who choose our agency are guaranteed a high standard of professional care and counseling. We are staffed with sympathetic, ethical professionals who bring years of expertise to adoption counseling. We offer support services and counseling both before and after the adoption takes place, as well as financial support or referrals for additional resources. We also provide birthmothers with a written contract, detailing the agency’s responsibilities and promises to the birthmother both during and following the adoption process.
Who else is involved in the process? What about my family and friends?
When facing an unintended pregnancy, a woman may turn to many different individuals for guidance and support. You are encouraged to involve your family and friends in the adoption process if you are comfortable doing so. Only you can decide what is best for your child and make a plan for her future, but you can certainly benefit from the advice and support of the people who love and know you best.
I cannot pay for my pregnancy expenses. Is there help?
If you do not already have health insurance, you may qualify for Medicaid, and our agency rep should also be able to help you secure coverage. We also provide free legal services to help you plan for your adoption, and also some financial support for additional medical and living expenses.

How much contact can/will I have with my child and her adoptive family?
After you have selected a family to adopt your child, the contact you have with your child and her adoptive family will depend on what all of you are comfortable with.

Who can I talk to if I have further questions?
You may call our front line (Luci is in the photo on the right) any time with questions, concerns, or just to feel support. We're here! 877 62 HEART (877 624 3278)